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Future program presenters are requested to send the Programs Chair (officer list here) brief write-ups of your intended presentations and one or two representative photos. This information will be posted on the webpage and included in the local newspapers, handouts, and posters. Note that future presentations are listed as well, if we have the details. Presentations predating this website can be found here

Rock Climbing Adventure in Joshua Tree National Park

Tue, 2022-04-26

The April 26, 2022 Mountaineers meeting will feature a talk by Sandra Corso, wilderness instructor and outdoor adventure guide, and Join us for a fun and entertaining program about a unique rock climbing area.

Video recording here:

Predicting Powder and the Science of Snow in New Mexico

Tue, 2022-03-22

The March 22, 2022 Mountaineers meeting will feature a talk by Julien Ross, New Mexico Forecaster, Join us for a fun and entertaining program full of snow and winter weather forecasting science! Julien will provide a live forecast of any upcoming storms, walk through the techniques we can use to forecast snow and find the best powder in New Mexico, and how certain weather patterns and wind directions bring more (or less) snow to the Jemez, Sangre de Cristos, and other New Mexico winter playgrounds.

Exploring a Few New Mexican Volcanic Plugs

Tue, 2022-02-22

The February, 2022 Mountaineers meeting will feature a talk by Evan Rose.

A Lifetime in the Canyon Country – One "Wow" After Another

Tue, 2022-01-25

Bill Priedhorsky is the Mountaineers’ Canyon Country veteran, having spent 43 years exploring slickrock and canyons in 124 multi-day trips. Something special about this part of the world keeps him, and so many other Mountaineers, coming back again and again. It is a country of “wow”, where beautiful and amazing sights are waiting just around the next year. The landscape is one where the bones of the Earth are open to the sky, with its bare slickrock surfaces extending for miles. The world is turned on end in the canyon country, one cleft following another.

Holiday Mountaineers Potpourri

Tue, 2021-12-14

Tuesday, December 14, at 7:00 PM we'll have our annual Holiday Potpourri program featuring five 10-minute long presentations on a variety of topics.

Due to the COVID pandemic and restrictions, we'll be doing this online via Zoom again.

The presentations are: 

Nathan Burnside: Bikepacking the New Mexico Off Road Runner Route

Deirdre Monroe: Back Country Horsemen Need Volunteers to Help With Trail Clearing

Brett Kettering: Brett's & Ron's Mountaineering Adventures of 2021

The Salmon Seekers: Coastal Bears of Alaska

Tue, 2021-11-16

Speaker Ed MacKerrow’s presentation will focus on the relationships between salmon and the wildlife species that depend on their return to Alaska each year.

A scientist who researches complex adaptive social systems, MacKerrow is also a professional nature photographer and a wilderness explorer. His award-winning images have been published in magazines and journals. He serves on the boards of scientific societies and the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge.

Adventures in Caving

Tue, 2021-10-26

The October Mountaineers meeting will feature a talk by Jennifer Foote entitled "Adventures in Caving" on Tuesday evening October 26.  It will feature caving in New Mexico and more distant locations. 

Video recording here:

Packrafting the Mountain West

Tue, 2021-09-28

The September Mountaineers meeting will feature a talk by Zack Baker entitled “Packrafting the Continental Divide Trail (not really!)”, on Tuesday evening, September 28.

Video recording here:

From Desert to Deluge: The Continental Divide Trail in My Own Backyard

Tue, 2021-08-24

The August Mountaineers meeting will feature a talk by Marion DuBeau entitled “From Desert to Deluge: The Continental Divide Trail in My Own Backyard”, on Tuesday evening, August 24.

Iceland—a journey through fire and ice

Tue, 2021-07-27

The July Mountaineers meeting will feature a talk by Kristen Honig entitled “Iceland—a journey through fire and ice”, on Tuesday evening, July 27.


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