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Trekking the John Muir Trail

Tue, 2022-11-15

The November 15 Mountaineers meeting will be in-person, with a hybrid adjunct. The presentation will feature Alan and Casey Kaplan’s trek along the John Muir Trail.

Video recording here:

The John Muir Trail is widely regarded as the crown jewel of the Sierra Nevada range, with 47,000 feet of elevation gain. Its high point is the high point of the 48 states – Mount Whitney.  For almost all of its length, the trail is in the High Sierra backcountry and wilderness areas. Come along as the Kaplans reflect upon their 271 mile trek through some of the most rugged, challenging and beautiful terrain the US has to offer. 

From complicated planning logistics and ever-present obstacles, to pristine alpine lakes, 13 mountain passes and a summit up the highest peak in the contiguous US, this trail gives plenty to discuss.  Join the Kaplans as they lay out the highs and lows and ins and outs of what it takes to complete this epic beast of a trail!

We welcome all to this Mountaineers’ meeting. Because of the Thanksgiving holiday, this particular meeting will be on the third Tuesday of every month, rather than the usual fourth. The social hour, with cookies, begins at 6:45 PM and the program at 7:00 PM. The presentation will be in-person at Los Alamos Nature Center; the slides will be live-streamed on Zoom. Registration is required and in-person seating is limited. Registration for both in-person or virtual attendance will be via PEEC – please do so at

Alan and Casey Kaplan on the summit of Mount Whitney.

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