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Hiking, Biking, and Geology of the Quebradas Backcountry Byway

Tue, 2022-10-25

The October 25 Mountaineers meeting will be in-person, with a hybrid adjunct. The presentation will feature Jean Dewart and Shari Kelley’s exploration of the Quebradas Backcountry Byway.

Video recording here:

Jean Dewart has been a member of the LAM for 20 years and enjoys leading hiking and backcountry ski trips. Shari Kelley is an avid outdoors person and a geologist with the NM Bureau of Mines. Shari has explored the Socorro area and the Jemez Mountains extensively. Shari also leads a geophysics field camp for geology graduate students during the summertime.

BLM says “The Quebradas Backcountry Byway is an unpaved county road traversing about 24 miles of rugged, colorful landscapes east of Socorro. Two National Wildlife Refuges are only a few miles from this Byway - Sevilleta to the north and Bosque del Apache to the south. Much of the Byway includes rolling bench lands that rise above the Rio Grande floodplain to the west and rugged north-south running ridges of alternating bands of red and yellow sandstone, red and purple shale, and white to gray limestone.”

We welcome all to this Mountaineers’ meeting. Club meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of every month, with a social hour at 6:45 PM and program at 7:00 PM. The presentation will be in-person at Los Alamos Nature Center; the slides will be live-streamed on Zoom. Registration is required and in-person seating is limited. Registration for both in-person or virtual attendance will be via PEEC – please do so at

Salinas Creek



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