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Future program presenters are requested to send the Programs Chair (officer list here) brief write-ups of your intended presentations and one or two representative photos. This information will be posted on the webpage and included in the local newspapers, handouts, and posters. Note that future presentations are listed as well, if we have the details. Presentations predating this website can be found here

Hiking an extension of Iceland's famous Laugavegur Trail

Tue, 2019-05-28

We give an account of a three-day, 78-kilometer trek along an extension of the Laugavegur trail starting in Skogar on the southern coast and heading inland to Landmannalaugar, the isolated home of well-known thermal pools. The trail covers barren rock mountains, lush green hills with waterfalls, and glaciers, and is only open at the peak of summer due to snow pack. Good planning is essential to a happy hike --  we'll share details of our trek and tips for planning your own. (Spoiler: the only ways in or out of Landmannalaugar are on foot and in a semi-aquatic vehicle!)


"Greenland Trek" by Jeff Johnson

Tue, 2019-03-26

In August 2018 several friends from Los Alamos participated in a guided trekking tour of Greenland.

Over the course of 12 days they enjoyed the majestic beauty of the Karale fjord and the Tasiilaq fjord

region of Eastern Greenland hiking past rugged mountain peaks, fjords, glaciers and icebergs.

Jeff Johnson will provide to the Los Alamos Mountaineers a photo tour and his impressions of the trip to

Reykjavic, Iceland; Kulusuk, Greenland and treking tour on March 26 at the Los Alamos Nature Center

Dr. Laura Marsh will chronicle her 4-month expedition into the flooded depths of the Amazon rainforest seeking a particular species of saki monkey that had not been seen since the 1930’s.

Tue, 2019-02-26

Along with a team of international researchers, local guides, conservationists and photographers, endured difficult conditions on their quest; they often got up before dawn, put on heavy long pants, long sleeves, boots and hat in 100%
humidity and up to mid-90 degrees to go slogging through various habitats, covered in
biting insects and mud. And often in heavy pouring rain so intense that their field work had
to cease. Sometimes the researchers had to swim across channels in all of their clothes


Wed, 2018-12-19

The Los Alamos Mountaineers will host their annual Potpourri at Fuller Lodge Wednesday, December 19, 2018.  Potpourriis a heavenly stew, consisting of one part potluck and six parts ten-minute talks, simmered slowly in a delicious sauce of conversation and camaraderie. This is by far the most popular Mountaineers meeting of the year. Make your own early New Year's resolution to attend!

Come any time after 5:45 to drop off your dishes and snack on appetizers; the main buffet line will open at 6:30PM; once dinner is well underway, the program will begin.

A Southern Californian's Forays into Ice and Alpinism

Tue, 2019-01-22

Speaker: Jonathan Regele

Tour Divide 2018, My Story

Tue, 2018-11-27

This presentation will discuss Jan Bear's experience participating in the 2018 Tour Divide, a 2725 mile mountain bike race from Banff, Canada to Antelope Wells, NM. The race is self supported, with navigation via GPS thru Alberta and British Columbia in Canada and Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado and New Mexico in the US. The event has been held annually for the last 20 years but the route has been modified over the years. The course includes approximately 180,000ft of climbing as well as temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 100 degrees.

Exploring East Greenland — 1971

Tue, 2018-10-23

Three LAM’ers (Don Liska, Larry Campbell, and Eiichi Fukushima) joined three others to attempt a possible ascent of Ejnar Mikkelsen Fjeld, the second highest summit north of the Arctic Circle as well as Gunnbjornsfeld, the highest, climbed earlier.

Trekking in Patagonia

Tue, 2018-09-25

Mountains, Glaciers, Birds and Orchids!

Robin Gurule will talk about her 10-day trekking expedition in Torres del Paine in Patagonia, Chile. She will discuss the logistics as well the the adventure.


Places LAM members still visit, as they were 50+/- years ago. Faded slides and memories from Ray and Joy Green

Tue, 2018-08-28

This talk will present slides from several of many trips that Ray and Joy Green made with various groups to the Utah canyon country in the late 1960’s. The Los Alamos Mountaineers continue to frequent these areas (and capture far more impressive images of it with superior equipment), so the emphasis will be on what has changed in the last half century. In particular, we intend to note differences in natural environments (invasive species), roadways and access, land administration and rules of use, and recreational usage.

New Zealand Adventure

Tue, 2018-07-24

Martin Staley will describe his 12/2017-1/2018 adventure trip to New Zealand, covering both islands. Highlights included hiking trips, a backpack, sea kayaking, paragliding, skydiving, sailing, canyoning, and exploring beaches, volcanoes, rain forests, hot springs, mountains, fjords, and glaciers.


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