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Future program presenters are requested to send the Programs Chair (officer list here) brief write-ups of your intended presentations and one or two representative photos. This information will be posted on the webpage and included in the local newspapers, handouts, and posters. Note that future presentations are listed as well, if we have the details. Presentations predating this website can be found here

Bandelier Superintendent to Address LA Mountaineers

Wed, 2014-07-16

Jason Lott, Superintendent of Bandelier National Monument, is the featured speaker at the July meeting of the Los Alamos Mountaineers.
The meeting, which is free and open to the public, starts at 7 pm Wednesday, July 16 at Fuller Lodge with refreshments and casual conversation, followed by reports on recently completed and upcoming trips.

Jason Lott of Bandelier

Wed, 2014-07-16

Jason Lott, Superintendent of Bandelier National Monument, is the featured speaker at the July meeting of the Los Alamos Mountaineers.

The talk will be at 7:30 pm Wednesday, July 16, at Fuller Lodge.  The talk will follow the business portion of the meeting, which will include information on recent and upcoming LA Mountaineer-sponsored trips and outings.

June Program Announcement

Wed, 2014-06-18

Bill and Zack's Excellent Adventures**

If you've ever wondered what there is to do in Los Alamos, then this month's presentation by the Los Alamos Mountaineers could be your answer.

Long-time Mountaineers Bill Priedhorsky and Zack Baker will present "Out and About in Los Alamos," a compilation of information from excellent adventuring at local trails, creeks, peaks, monuments and crags.

The presentation will be at 7:30 pm Wednesday, June 18, in the main room at Fuller Lodge. The presentation is free and refreshments will be provided.  

“Ancient Relics,” 7:30 pm Wednesday, May 21, at Fuller Lodge

Wed, 2014-05-21

For those who like to get off the beaten path there are endless discoveries awaiting in the desert southwest.

Outdoor adventurist Dave Rice has spent more than 50 years exploring the outdoors and following his interest in Native American archaeology. At the May meeting of the Los Alamos Mountaineers, Rice will describe several sites that are easily accessible from Los Alamos and the discoveries a visitor might find there.

Canyoneering Adventures & Technique with Rich Carlson

Wed, 2014-04-16

Wednesday, April 16st at 7:00pm
Fuller Lodge
The Los Alamos Mountaineers are pleased to welcome Rich Carlson for an evening of canyoneering and technical expertise. Rich will give a general introduction to canyoneering, what it is and the basic skills and tools required to navigate canyons safely. He will then focus on a recent canyoning trip to Nepal which will show you the hidden treasures that canyoneering unlocks for adventurers, and why more and more people are getting hooked on canyoneering every year.

Mountaineering Ecuador's Cotopaxi Volcano

Wed, 2014-03-19

Wednesday, March 19, 2014 at 7:00pm

Fuller Lodge

The Los Alamos Mountaineers are pleased to welcome Kelly Gallagher and Don Krier for an exciting evening of mountaineering in Ecuador. Kelly and Don recently returned from Cotopaxi, Ecuador. Kelly and Don will talk about the acclimatization efforts and rewards, ice training, and share a bit of Ecuadorian travelog from the Indian markets to the hapless but tasty cuy. This will be an exciting night for all!

The southern realms: Falklands, South Georgia, Antarctica, and Tierra del Fuego

Wed, 2014-02-19

Please join the Los Alamos Mountaineers for an evening with Bill Priedhorsky and Melissa Bartlett as they share their unique perspectives, as mountaineer and artist, of Antarctica, the 7th continent.

Trekking and Touring in Iceland

Wed, 2014-01-15

An evening with Mario Schillaci

Come learn about the natural history of Iceland as Mario Schillaci recounts his 6 day, 50 mile trek across Iceland. Mario tells a story of adventure travel—complete with mountain huts, a steady ascent from sea level along fast-flowing rivers to spectacular waterfalls, passing between glaciers to descend into wooded valleys with unusual rock formations, and finally fording rivers in a surreal landscape shaped by volcanoes.

Potpourri for the Soul – and the Belly!

Wed, 2013-12-18

The December meeting of the Los Alamos Mountaineers features a potpourri of food and fantastically short but fascinating presentations.

The Rio Grande Gorge Trail, Larry Hersman

Wed, 2013-11-20

The Rio Grande Gorge, 800 feet deep



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