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Canyoneering Adventures & Technique with Rich Carlson

Wed, 2014-04-16

Wednesday, April 16st at 7:00pm
Fuller Lodge
The Los Alamos Mountaineers are pleased to welcome Rich Carlson for an evening of canyoneering and technical expertise. Rich will give a general introduction to canyoneering, what it is and the basic skills and tools required to navigate canyons safely. He will then focus on a recent canyoning trip to Nepal which will show you the hidden treasures that canyoneering unlocks for adventurers, and why more and more people are getting hooked on canyoneering every year.
Rich has been canyoneering for well over 35 years, building a reputation as the most experienced professional canyoneering guide and instructor in the United States. Rich is extremely active in the global canyoneering community offering training, online resources, sponsoring events, and designing canyoneering specific gear with companies like BlueWater Ropes and Rock Exotica. In 1999, he became the first American to be certified as a canyoning guide in Europe, and he regularly teaches courses and workshops all over the world. For 2014 he is already booked in: Utah, Arizona, Colorado, California, Mexico, Costa Rica, South America, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Nepal, Iran and elsewhere.
Fortunately, we have the opportunity to add New Mexico to that list!

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