Bill and Zack's Excellent Adventures**
If you've ever wondered what there is to do in Los Alamos, then this month's presentation by the Los Alamos Mountaineers could be your answer.
Long-time Mountaineers Bill Priedhorsky and Zack Baker will present "Out and About in Los Alamos," a compilation of information from excellent adventuring at local trails, creeks, peaks, monuments and crags.
The presentation will be at 7:30 pm Wednesday, June 18, in the main room at Fuller Lodge. The presentation is free and refreshments will be provided.
The presentation, which is geared toward new residents to the area, students in town for the summer and people who are just getting into outdoor climbing, follows the business portion of the LA Mountaineers monthly meeting, which features information on recent and upcoming LAM-hosted adventures.
Priedhorsky will offer a photo-based tour of in-town and nearby areas suitable for day hikes and bursting with natural wonder, and Baker will follow with an introduction to local crags suitable for beginning rock climbers and those learning to lead sport or trad routes.
Priedhorsky organizes and leads many trips each year through the Mountaineers, creating ways to combine adventuring and creature comforts. Baker has taught climbing through the Mountaineers and also leads running treks on forest trails, believing that the woods look better when passing at a fast-paced blur. He also is the leader of the annual Rubber Duckie float down the Rio Grande, another most excellent adventure.
** Note: Since this announcement was prepared Bill Priedhorsky learned he will be out of town for the June meeting. Zack or another adventurous Mountaineer will present Bill's portion of the program. This announcement was just too excelent to modify.
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