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Future program presenters are requested to send the Programs Chair (officer list here) brief write-ups of your intended presentations and one or two representative photos. This information will be posted on the webpage and included in the local newspapers, handouts, and posters. Note that future presentations are listed as well, if we have the details. Presentations predating this website can be found here

Valerie Mendenhall Cohen presents Woman on the Rocks

Wed, 2013-10-16

Mountaineers Program October 16, 2013

Author Valerie Mendenhall Cohen will read from her book about her mother, Ruth Dyar Mendenhall – Woman on the Rocks:  The Mountaineering Letters of Ruth Dyar Mendenhall (book introduction by Royal Robbins: Spotted Dog Press, 2007).

Valerie Cohen, Desolation Canyon, Death Valley


What Could Go Wrong - Stories of Accidents and Near-Misses on Trips

Wed, 2013-09-25

Note new time, different week, different place: Dinner at 6 PM, meeting at 7, Pajarito Mountain Lodge
Each year the Mountaineers have a safety-oriented meeting.  These can be fun, or they can be boring. To make this year's program FUN, we are holding a dinner meeting at Pajarito Mountain on September 25 - the FOURTH Wednesday of September.  Note the change of TIME and PLACE.

Canyoneering in Zion National Park The Story of Los Alamos Mountaineers’ July 2013 Trip

Wed, 2013-08-21

Note new meeting time: 7:00 PM
The Los Alamos Mountaineers traveled to Zion National Park for a canyoneering adventure, July 11-16.  The trip was led and organized by Dan Creveling.  More than two dozen people participated, dividing into smaller parties to explore a wide variety of canyons (Pine Creek, Birch Hollow, Subway, Echo, Keyhole, Behunin).  The days were long and strenuous, leaving the participants tired but excited.

Adventures in Chiapas, Mexico

Wed, 2013-07-17

Contrary to previous announcement, meeting will start at 7:30 PM as has been the case. This may be the last meeting on the old schedule.

A month of camping through Australia and New Zealand

Wed, 2013-06-19


Mt. Cook at sunset

Late in 2012, Momo Vuyisich and his family took a month-long family camping trip through Australia and New Zealand. They drove, hiked, kayaked, flew, and explored the forests, cities, mountains, and coasts of these two beautiful countries. Momo will show many photographs that he captured during the trip and describe his travel experiences.

Capitol Reef and Beyond

Wed, 2013-05-15

Head of Sinbad Pictograph Panel in the Capitol Reef Area

Biking Tibet in the days of "Red China"

Wed, 2013-04-17

For our April program, Tim Goering and Dave Colbert will give a slide show about a mountain biking trip they took to China and Tibet back in 1986, while they were students at the University of Arizona.  They decided to take a semester off from school to bike across China and Tibet to Nepal, riding across Inner Mongolia, northern and central China, and from Lanzhou across Qinghai province and Tibet.

Adventures in Ninja Alpinism

Wed, 2013-03-20


Adventurer Doug Shepherd will be the featured speaker at the March meeting of the Los Alamos Mountaineers. Shepherd is simultaneously a sponsored athlete (Mammut, Sterling Ropes, Cilogear Backpacks) and a postdoc in systems biology.

Adventures in Africa

Wed, 2013-02-20

Michael and Michele Altherr


Grand Canyoneering - Exploring the Rugged Gorges and Secret Slots of the Grand Canyon

Wed, 2013-01-16

Grand Canyon National Park is big, but not that big. It is almost exactly the size of Santa Fe County, and, with 5 million visitors per year, draws five times the crowds. Many places in the southwestern desert are far more remote. How can there be places in the Park that are hardly visited from one year to the next?


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