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Monthly Program:

The Centennials of Colorado

Tue, 2024-09-24

Toni Taylor will describe her journey to climb the 100 (actually 101) highest peaks in Colorado, known as the Centennial Peaks. Toni climbed her first Colorado “14er”, Longs Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park, in 1984. With her husband, Stuart Trugman, she finished climbing all the 14ers in 2002 and continued to reclimb many of these peaks with her children, Anna and Daniel, until they both climbed all of them as well. Toni and Stuart then started to climb the Centennials, with Toni finally climbing all of them in September 2023.  In addition to lots of photos and stories of these climbs, Toni will provide helpful tips (mostly learned the hard way through experience) for those considering this challenge.

Toni Taylor lives in Los Alamos where she recently retired from Los Alamos National Laboratory. She enjoys hiking, climbing, mountaineering, canyoneering, cross country skiing, and backpacking. In addition to climbing the Centennials, Toni has climbed high peaks in Wyoming, Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia and Nepal. Toni has been involved with the leadership of the Los Alamos Mountaineers (LAM) for the past several years, including serving as Secretary, Vice-President and President. In 2024, she served as Past-President and as the coordinator for the LAM climbing school.

We welcome all to this Mountaineers’ meeting, on the regular fourth Tuesday of the month. The social hour, with cookies, begins at 6:45 PM and the program at 7:00 PM. The presentation will be streamed at Los Alamos Nature Center; the slides will be live-streamed on Zoom. Registration is required to Zoom and recommended for in-person – we would love to see your smiling face. Registration details are available at

Toni beginning the pre-dawn climb of her final Centennial, Trinity Peak, with Vestal Peak in the background.


Ongoing Events


Monthly Public Meeting and Presentation:

Normally held in the planetarium of the Pajarito Environmental Education Center (PEEC)
on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Now offering hybrid meetings with in-person and zoom options! Sign up for each talk at the Monthly Program page.

Social at 6:45.  Reports of recent and upcoming trips at 7:05pm.   Program to follow.

Visitors are always welcome!  Free refreshments!

Past presentations, and occasionally future, can be viewed here


Future Club Speakers:  In addition to frequent presentations by nationally known adventurers, we love to hear from our own members....not that some of you aren't in that group.  A presentation gets you a free club membership and dinner at the restaurant of your choice in Los Alamos.

LAM Member Presentations Wanted! The LAM Board would like to encourage our members to provide more of our monthly presentations.  We understand well that club members are an active lot, with a wealth of activities in their repertoire that can and have been inspiring to new and old members alike.  We have often focused our monthly presentations on the elite of the outdoor adventure world, and perhaps created the undesired effect of squelching the voices of our own members who participate in frequent beautiful and exciting adventures of their own.  Although our own activities are not always "world class", they are representative of what we "weekend" athletes can and do accomplish.  We want many of our programs to inspire the "I can do that" attitude in our members, not merely entertain.  Shock and awe may have their rightful place, but inspiration to participate and shine is our true goal.


Trip Leaders:  Post your trip by logging in and then going here.  If you do not have an account, contact  the webmaster. For overnight trips, please ensure that membership waivers for participants are current and recorded by the club Membership Chairperson prior to your trip. Non-members may participate in day trips. All club sponsored trips require the trip waiver. After the trip, please scan and email a PDF of the waiver to the Trip Coordinator.

Trip Leader Awards: The club will recognize trip leaders as described here.

Borrow Equipment: We have a limited amount of mountaineering equipment for loan (e.g., avalanche transceivers). Contact our Equipment Manager listed on this page.



Trip Leaders: Anyone can lead a trip! Post your trip by logging in and then going here. If you do not have an account, contact the webmaster. For overnight trips, please ensure that membership waivers for participants are current and recorded by the club Membership Chairperson prior to your trip. Non-members may participate in day trips. All club sponsored trips require the trip waiver. After the trip, please scan and email a PDF of the waiver to the Trip Coordinator.
  • Monday Night Ski Hill Hike Potluck

    Ellen Mills
    Mon, 2024-09-09
    Leader Email:
    Are dogs allowed?: 

    Trip participants are expected to be prepared for the level of technicality and the level of difficulty. Trip participants should be aware that outdoor activities such as this one, can be hazardous and involve danger to participants. By signing up for this trip, the participant is accepting any and all risks of injury and death. Participants will be asked to sign a waiver at the beginning of the trip.

    Dogs: Allowed

  • Maybe the last llama trip, Oct 5-13, 2024

    Bill Priedhorsky
    Sat, 2024-10-05
    Leader Email:
    Are dogs allowed?: 
    Not allowed

    Dear Mountaineers,

  • Moab bike/hike/explore Nov. 2-10, 2024

    Bill Priedhorsky
    Sat, 2024-11-02
    Leader Email:
    Are dogs allowed?: 
    Not allowed

    I would like to announce the sixteenth edition of our successful hike/explore/bike trips to Moab. We have been going almost every November since 2008, and every time has been a great success. The 2014 trip report can be found at

  • Big Bend Backpack (3 nights)

    Tanja Pietrass
    575-418-7969 (leave a message)
    Mon, 2024-11-18
    Leader Email:
    Are dogs allowed?: 
    Not allowed

    I have two spots open for a backpack in Big Bend National Park. Big Bend is way too hot in the summer, and it's a popular NP with all the downsides - no "free" camping in the Chisos Mountains, reserved campsites only. Here are a few caveats: 1. My reserved campsite in the Chisos Mountains is for 3 people, hence I have only 2 spots open. 2. I goofed - I meant to do this trip the Thanksgiving week but did not check the dates and TG is the week after. I don't know yet 100% that I can take the time off work. I have leave approved but if anything dramatic happens, I may not be able to go.

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