This is a 70 mile backpack (ca. 12,000 ft elevation gain) on the CDT over the 4th of July weekend. We will either depart very early on Wed. morning, or leave Tuesday afternoon. It will take us about 5 hours to drive there and set up the car shuttle. Last year we went to Blue Lake and turned off there, but the access trail was in horrendous condition. This time, I want to take the easier route and hike all the way from 160. Expect ~15 mile days, to allow for a slightly shorter hiking day on Sunday, and early morning departures (not crazy early, around 7:30 am). The CDT is usually pretty well maintained, so there is no technical difficulty. The key is to either be strong enough to haul a heavy pack or be lazy like I am and pack light. I'll be happy to take beginners as long as they have the stamina. There are no easy bail options once on the trail. Should be fantastic - this is known to be one of the nicest sections of the CDT.
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Dear All, this trip is full. If you want to be added to a waitlist in case there are drop-outs, please let me know.