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Future program presenters are requested to send the Programs Chair (officer list here) brief write-ups of your intended presentations and one or two representative photos. This information will be posted on the webpage and included in the local newspapers, handouts, and posters. Note that future presentations are listed as well, if we have the details. Presentations predating this website can be found here

Mountain Climbing in Mexico

Tue, 2025-05-27

The May 27 Mountaineers meeting will feature a talk by Paul Bradley. Paul writes: “After 30 years of climbing mountains, mostly in New Mexico and Colorado, I finally decided to climb some mountains significantly higher than the 14,440 feet of Mount Elbert in Colorado. I also knew that I was more interested in going with a group rather than making all the arrangements myself. I settled on climbing three of the big volcanoes in Mexico, as they are not that far away and not that difficult technically.

Searching for David Roberts in Navajo Country

Tue, 2025-06-24

The June 24 Mountaineers meeting will feature a talk by Norbert Ensslin.

A Week on Roper’s Sierra High Route

Tue, 2025-04-29

Sunset in the High Sierras

The upcoming Mountaineers meeting on April 29th will feature a talk by Tim Rennick about a backpacking journey along a portion of Steve Roper's Sierra High Route (SHR).

Revelations in the Revelations

Tue, 2025-03-25

The March 25 Mountaineers meeting will feature a talk by Tanja Pietraß. In August of 2023, Olivia, Kate, Raz, and Tanja ventured for a backpack into the remote Revelation Mountains, the westernmost range within the Great Alaska Range that is home to Denali. The range is rarely visited because of the flying time necessary to get there and also because of the notoriously poor weather conditions that are prevalent in the range. The first recorded visit was only in 1967.

Europe’s Toughest Trek

Tue, 2025-02-25

At the February 25 Mountaineers meeting, Martin Staley will talk about his trek along the French Grande Randonnée No. 20, or GR20, in Corsica, France, which is billed as the toughest long-distance trek in Europe.

Landscape and Night Sky Photography

Tue, 2025-01-28

At the January 28 Mountaineers meeting, Jim Stein will talk about photographing the out of doors. He writes “In this talk, I will share my approach to photography and showcase a selection of my work. I’ll provide practical tips for capturing landscapes, the night sky, and weather, as well as discuss some of the equipment I rely on. I will also be available to answer any questions the audience may have.”

Annual Mountaineers Potpourri

Wed, 2024-12-11

The Los Alamos Mountaineers will host the annual Potpourri at Fuller Lodge, with doors opening at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, December 11, 2024.  Potpourri is a stew that consists of one part potluck and six parts ten-minute talks, simmered slowly in conversation and camaraderie. This is by far the most popular Mountaineers meeting of the year. Make your own early New Year's resolution to attend! The potpourri is a strictly in-person event, with no hybrid adjunct, held at Fuller Lodge rather than the usual Nature Center venue.

Staying alive in avalanche country

Tue, 2024-11-19

At the November Mountaineers meeting, Rick Rubio will discuss key aspects of avalanche safety, including how to recognize and avoid avalanche danger. Avalanche is a significant danger for winter activities in the backcountry; in the last decade, avalanches claimed an average of 24 lives per year in North America.

Mud Duck and Tabone "Ski" the Disappointment Cleaver Route on Mt. Rainier

Tue, 2024-10-22

In late May of 2024 Greg Huey (Mud Duck) and Tadz Kostrubala (Tabone) successfully summitted and “skied” the Disappointment Cleaver (DC) Route on Rainier. Join us for this presentation as they discuss the DC route, which is the standard ascent for Rainier and the not-so-standard ski descent attempt. The DC route is the most popular route to the summit of Washington State's highest mountain, which peaks out at 14,411 feet. The route climbs 9,000 feet on snowfields and glaciers.

The Centennials of Colorado

Tue, 2024-09-24

Toni Taylor will describe her journey to climb the 100 (actually 101) highest peaks in Colorado, known as the Centennial Peaks. Toni climbed her first Colorado “14er”, Longs Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park, in 1984. With her husband, Stuart Trugman, she finished climbing all the 14ers in 2002 and continued to reclimb many of these peaks with her children, Anna and Daniel, until they both climbed all of them as well.


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