Because of too much ice in Water Canyon - this hike is being changed to a Blue Dot/Red Dot trail hike - with visits to petroglyphs near the trail. This is between a 4 and 6 mile loop, depending upon how it is organized. Claire Schappert is still leading - contact her if you are interested in coming.
Let's hike the Water Canyon/Ancho Canyon Loop, south of White Rock off of State Rte 4.
Technicality: Intermediate: participants should be able to scramble over and down big boulders.
due to warmer and sunnier weather than predicted, the golf course is too soft for grooming. Those interested in skiing please reach out I will plan on Canada Bonita.
Ski and dinner -
The snow is here and the Los Alamos golf course will be groomed Friday! Come meet other Nordic Ski enthusiasts and enjoy in-town skiing. All levels welcome. We will meet up and then ski your own pace and distance on the trails of the golf course.
4:00pm meet in the Golf Course parking lot
I would like to announce the sixteenth edition of our successful hike/explore/bike trips to Moab. We have been going almost every November since 2008, and every time has been a great success. The 2014 trip report can be found at
Join Clarissa and Ann for a weekend trip camping in the NM Bisti Badlands. We plan to depart Los Alamos Saturday morning drive to set up camp the night and return Sunday morning. From the base camp we will explore the area with various hikes tailored to the group. The weekend chosen is just following a full moon so the hoodoos in the moonlight should be magical too. You will need your own camping gear and food.
This will be the last ski hill potluck hike of the season. Patti Walls will be leading the hike. Please make sure to RSVP to Patti and send her your contact information. The hike will begin at 5 PM from the ski hill parking lot.
Please be sure to bring a dish to share with the group, your own plates, utensils, and beverage. Also, warm clothes are highly recommended along with rain gear and a head lamp.
I'm proposing a day hike to Trampas Lakes this coming Saturday, 9/28. It's short notice I realize, but I've never been there, heard it was nice, and would welcome some company. Let's plan to leave Sullivan Field parking lot about 7:15am to get an early start on the trail around 9am, which should get us to the lake around noon for lunch (bring your own), and then back down the trail with a return to LA before 5pm. The hike is roughly a dozen miles round trip and 2500 feet of elevation gain.
The next Monday evening ski hill hike is this coming Monday, Sept. 23rd We will meet at the Pajarito Ski Hill parking lot, and start hiking up the service road at 5:00 PM. We will hike to the picnic table near the top of the ski hill. Please bring food to share with the group, your own utensils, cups, plate, and your own beverage.