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Llama drop camp, Escalante country, May 1-9, 2025

Thu, 2025-05-01
Bill Priedhorsky
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

Dear Mountaineers,

Llama trip plans for spring 2025 have been in flux, but a plan is starting to gel. Llama packer BJ and I have agreed to dates for a drop camp, although we are still thinking about destination. The previously announced April llama trek may still go, but directly with BJ, not as a Mountaineers trip. I will take part in this trip, not the llama trek.

We will head to a single destination for the duration of the trip. Our choice of destination will be affected by the bad drought situation, and the fact that the Escalante River corridor has become increasingly busy. BJ and I are interested in a site above the confluence of the River and Harris Wash. He may be able to shuttle water to the camp, if need be. Alternatively, if we camp along the Escalante River, we may need to bring a groover and have BJ shuttle it in and out as needed. These options might require more of his time, and therefore more expense.

We will follow our usual schedule, spending 6 nights in the canyon country, with 5 nights of exploring from our base camp. The country is interesting enough that we can fill the week with discoveriues.

A llama trip gives us about 50 pounds of cargo per person, in addition to our community gear: tables, potty chair, two-burner stove, etc. One's own weight allowance includes one’s dinner contributions, personal gear like chairs and contributions to the wine cellar.  

I expect that the fee for the llama packing will somewhat more than our usual $500 per person, but less than $1000 per person, plus tip; there can be modest additional costs for expendables like propane and water filter cartridges. Last fall we hired a camp helper for about $150 more person, and it was very helpful.


(optional) Wednesday, April 30. Leave Los Alamos, drive to Bluff, Utah (5 1/2 hours).

Thursday May 1: drive to Escalante, Utah from home or Bluff, overnight in a motel. Let’s carpool as much as possible.

Friday May 2: meet llama packer BJ, head into the canyon, hiking crosscountry from the trailhead to camp. It is helpful if some of us share the llama leading on the way to and from camp.

Saturday-Wednesday: five full days in the canyon wilderness, with explorations every day

Thursday May 8 hike out, stay at a motel probably in Torrey, UT

Friday, May 9: drive home all or part way

I will be arranging blocks of rooms for lodging in Escalante and Torrey as the trip comes together.

Let me know if you want to join in. This may be the last trip and participation is limited to 8, including myself. The deposit to hold a slot will be $600 paid to me. Sincerely, Bill

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