South San Juan Backpack
We will leave Friday morning and drive past Platoro to the Adams Fork of the Conejos trailhead (~4 hours). We will hike 4 miles up the Adams Fork of the Conejos to timberline on Friday afternoon and camp. Saturday will be a day hike up Summit Peak (~6 miles round-trip). Sunday we will hike back down to our cars and drive home. Should be home by 6 pm on Sunday.
We have checked out the trail - and it is passable - some mud, and a few snow banks to cross - but, otherwise - AOK.
Gear - full rain gear (jacket, pants, pack cover) is needed for the South San Juan! Depending upon the snow - yaktracks/micro-spikes and hiking poles will be needed for the Summit Peak hike. Participants will provide their own tents and stoves and food. We will carpool from Los Alamos.
Dogs are welcome on leashes or other positive control - the South San Juan is home to lots of wildlife - and we want the wildlife to be comfortable in their own home.
If you'd like to come, send me an email at
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