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Camping/hiking Wild Rivers/Río Grande del Norte National Monument June 6-8

Fri, 2014-06-06
Bill Priedhorsky

Junction of the Red River and Rio Grande, seen from La Junta
For some time, we've been talking about a Mountaineers trip to the Wild Rivers area in the New Mexico's 2nd newest national monument. Let's give it a try. The Wild Rivers area lies on a plateau between the Rio Grande and Red River. The view from the La Junta, the point between them, is the most spectacular single view that I've seen in New Mexico. There are several trails around the plateau, as well as trails down to the Red River and Rio Grande, with difficulties ranging from easy to strenuous. Details can be found on the BLM web site. Trip Advisor lists several highly positive reviews.

This will be a car camping trip. The campsites offer shade, water, picnic tables, and pit toilets; if the group is large enough, we can rent one of the group sites with a large gazebo shelter. Between this year's cool spring weather (so far), the 7500-foot elevation of the camping areas, and the shaded campsites, early June should be a fine time to go.

We would leave Los Alamos at 8 AM on Friday June 6, although an advance contingent might go up the evening before to set up camp. This gives us Friday afternoon, Saturday, and Sunday morning for hiking and adventuring. I might do some fly fishing and would be willing to help a beginner or two. If folks are agreeable, we can combine forces to prepare dinner, and share the stoves and hot water at breakfast. We will share expenses; the group shelters go for $40 per night.

Please let me know ASAP at if you would like to join us.


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