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Climbing School Graduate Fun Day Trip to Las Conchas

Sat, 2014-05-10
Norbert Ensslin

This is the first of three rock climbing trips for Climbing School graduates from this year or other recent years.  These trips are intended to be fun, moderate outings to some of our favorite climbing areas so that graduates can continue to improve their climbing skills and get a reward for their hard work during the school!  The Las Conchas area provides short toprope climbs in the 5.6 to 5.10 range that are within easy walking distance of the car.  There are also a few opportunities to try leading a 5.6 or 5.7 climb.  And, a special highlight!, Ron Morgan will use one of the climbs to set up a demonstration of tying off and rescuing a fallen leader.

Let's meet at the Sullivan Field parking lot across from the High School at 8:45 AM to sign the Club trip waiver, then depart by 9 AM.  Bring your climbing harnesses, helmets, shoes, lunch, and raingear.  If you already have a rope, bring that also so that we can set up more climbs for everyone.  Please e-mail Norbert at if you would like to come on this trip.  That way we will know how many graduates are coming and how many climbing leaders should be invited to help set climbs.

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