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Adventuring from a remote camp in the North Cascades, July 12-17+

Sat, 2014-07-12
Bill Priedhorsky

Update Feb. 27: Three small upstairs rooms remain available, along with nooks and crannies.
For something different this summer, I am organizing an outing to the Pacific Northwest.  Our destination will be the North Cascades, based at the North Cascades Basecamp, who call themselves a "European-style lodge and cabin". The camp is near the settlement of Mazama (meaning mountain goat) in the Methow Valley, which reaches into the North Cascades from the east side. The lodge is 15 minutes upstream from Winthrop, Washington, and about 4 1/2 hours from SeaTac airport. Activities include hiking on hundreds of miles of trails in the valley and the mountains above, rock climbing on Goat Rocks, fishing, mountain biking (bikes provided), and horse riding offered by outfitters in the valley. Recommended horse outfitters include Early Winters Trail Rides in Mazama, and Moccasin Lake Ranch in Winthrop.

The lodge has an Octagonal Cabin and six rooms that accommodate two to four persons each. I have reserved the Cabin, which includes a kitchen that we can use to prepare dinners. For room rates, scroll down to the Summer category, with one weekend night and four weekday nights. The lodge can provide dinners (for a fee), but only if we fill it up. The cabin is reserved for 5 nights, arriving on Saturday July 12 and departing July 17, and is already filled. If you want to stay longer, all 6 rooms are currently available from July 12 until July 22. I will be flying to Seattle on July 11, and staying in the Northwest after the 17th to visit family.

If you would like to take part in the trip, please contact the Basecamp to reserve your room. Let me know that you are joining us, with your dates, via e-mail to I will keep track of people's travel plans to facilitate rental car sharing, etc.

This should be a different, interesting, and scenic adventure, and I hope you can join us.

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