While the lovely autumn is still upon us, I'd like to do some more exploring in the Abiquiu / Ghost Ranch area. Our objective will be the red rock country of Ghost Ranch, concentrating on the southeasternmost corner of the cliffs and mesas, away from Ghost Ranch headquarters. We will check in at headquarters, then park at the rest area along highway 84 and head into the cliffs for a few hours of free-form exploring. I'll carry a rope to assist any low-angle scrambling that might arise, but we will not be doing any high angle technical stuff. The red rock of Ghost Ranch is our closest approximation to the canyon country of Utah, at least this side of Bluff. If we have enough time at the end of the day, we will explore the Posthuouinge pueblo ruins 2.5 miles southeast of Abiquiu. This is a huge pueblo, the largest that I know of, and its outline can be seen from above by continuing along the Forest Service trail to the hill above.
We will leave Los Alamos at 8:30 AM, meeting at a location to be announced to participants. Bring lunch, water, hat, sunscreen, and clothing suitable for whatever weather arises. I would like to finish the day with dinner at the Abiquiu Inn or in Espanola, but we will arrange carpooling so those who cannot stay can return directly to Los Alamos.
For more information, or to sign up, contact Bill at the e-mail address above.
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