The Los Alamos Mountaineers and PEEC are jointly sponsoring 2 classes on knots for rock climbing:
Rock Climbing Knots 101
March 11, 2025
Have you always wanted to learn how to tie safe, efficient, and correct knots? During this 2-hour, hands-on course, you will join Kei Davis and other instructors from the Los Alamos Mountaineers and learn the basics of climbing knots. This is the first of two classroom sessions on rock climbing knots, each of which are limited to 20 participants. Advance registration is required.
About the class:
Knots are essential to rock climbing at all levels, used for anchors, tying into a harness, rappelling, joining two pieces of rope, and many other uses. Kei Davis will introduce some basic rock climbing knots and describe their uses in a two-hour, hands-on session with other instructors from the Los Alamos Mountaineers. We will start with the most basic essentials for elementary rock climbing: tying in to a climbing harness (figure eight, and also in various other forms), and the backup (double-overhand, and also in various other forms, including the double fisherman's knot). We will continue on with more of the basic climbing knots as far as time permits.
Students will be given a length of retired climbing rope, a length of utility cord, and a length of webbing to keep, the latter two of which can be used later in climbing and rappelling.
It would be helpful for students to bring a climbing harness if they have one, or a waistbelt, or wear pants with belt loops.
This class is limited to 20 participants, with advance registration required.
Rock Climbing Knots 102
March 18, 2023
Proper knots are essential to rock climbing at all levels. They are used for anchors, tying rope to a harness, rappelling, joining two pieces of rope, and dozens of other uses. They are also useful in everyday life, for safely and securely suspending things, tying things down, towing, and even tree cutting. This workshop will build on the March 11 "Rock Climbing Knots 101" program. In this hands-on workshop, Kei Davis and other instructors from the Los Alamos Mountaineers will review basic rock climbing knots from the first class, then go into additional basic knots and their uses. While this session stands alone (participants do not need to have attached the initial class), it is also intended to help students from the first session to commit knots to memory.
New students will be given a length of retired climbing rope, a length of utility cord, and a length of webbing to keep, the latter two of which can be used later in climbing and rappelling.
It would be helpful for students if they were to bring a climbing harness if they have one, or a waistbelt, or wear pants with belt loops.
This class is limited to 20 participants, with advance registration required.
To sign up for these classes through PEEC, use the following links:
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