Let's ski out to the Brazos Overlook while there is still snow on the ground. Looks to be sufficient snow as I skied near Cumbres Pass today (20250130). Temperatures are expected to be relatively warm for early February so plan appropriately. This is an activity best suited for cross-country touring skis. Waxless skiers will likely require glide. Waxing skiers will likely require magic. Bring lunch and prepare for highly variable temperatures.
Let's plan to meet at the Smith Parking Lot at 08:30 and we can arrange any car pools for those interested. If you are coming from White Rock we can rendezvous at the Y. Folks coming from Santa Fe or elsewhere can rendezvos at Bodes in Abiquiu. We should return to Los Alamos not later than 18:00.
Call or email the trip leader if you are interested and/or have any questions.
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