This year we will start out with a planning session for the field exercise at Mesa Public Library on Thursday Dec. 12th at 17:30. The field session (snow permitting) will occur the following weekend on Sunday the 15th. In the field we will exercise our transceiver, probing and strategic shoveling skills.
The field session will be conducted near the Brazos Overlook TH off Hwy 64 between TP and TA. This area affords us the opportunity for multiple travel modes (i.e. BC touring, traditional cross-country touring or snowshoeing) to practice safe travel in avalanche terrain. Time and weather permitting we can dig a snow pit to see what the snow pack is telling us about early season conditions.
We will leave Los Alamos Sunday morning at 08:00 and depart the field ~16:00 with an expected return to Los Alamo nlt 18:30. This activity will be limited to 12 participants. Contact the trip leader to reserve a participant slot, please indicate your preferred travel mode and if you need anything for your avy kit (transceiver, probe or shovel).
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