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Tesuque Peak from Santa Fe Ski basin, last minute plan

Sun, 2024-08-25
Olivia Li
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

Sunday morning weather looks good for a high elevation hike. This is a short and steep hike from Big Tesuque trailhead to the radio tower of Tesuque Peak at 12040 feet. This strenuous hike goes through beautiful aspen and fir forest to reach the peak with a spectacular vista on the top. The return route goes down the ski slopes to the lift, then follow the Alamo Vista trail to the Aspen Vista road with a short detour off trail. It is then on trail all the way down to the car. 

Early start as the parking at the trailhead is limited. It takes less than an hour drive to the trailhead from Los Alamos. Expect to be done early afternoon. 

Distance: 5-6 miles
Elevation gain: 2300 feet

Please email the leader if you want to carpool or if you have any questions. 

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