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Canjilon Mountain Loop

Sat, 2024-08-24
Bill Priedhorsky
505 412 0376
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 

This is a reschedule of a trip cancelled due to weather on August 10. I have never been to this classic piece of the northern New Mexico landscape, so let's go. This is an 8 mile loop and thousand foot climb per More detail can be found on the Forest Service here. The Forest Service says "This is definitely high country hiking! Many scenic vistas and streams are along the trail. From the onset at the Canjilon Lakes Campground, the trail climbs up Canjilon Mountain where you encounter high hills." We'll leave Los Alamos at 8 AM, drive about 2 hours to the trailhead, and off we go. Be ready for whatever the weather brings us - the weather may be a a little cool, with some chance of rain, and bring lunch and water. We will coordinate a meeting point and driving once we have a participant list. We can discuss the participation of well-behaved dogs.

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