The 15th Annual Rubber Ducky Float Trip
Join Jean for the Rio Grande floating adventure (Zack will be back next year!)
We will start at 8am on Sunday August 13 at the Red Dot trailhead, hike down to the river (1 mile & 1100 ft), continue up the river trail to just past the bottom of the Blue Dot (~2.5 miles). There, we will stop and enjoy lunch and inflate our floating toys/mattresses/water wings. We will then float back down to the Red Dot, wash off in the clean springs, and hike back to our cars. It's about 4.5 miles, plus the up and down elevation gain of the Red Dot trail (1100 ft).
There are no rapids in this section of the river. The $5-10 vinyl inner tube toys at Smiths (Walmart, Target, etc) are suitable for this trip, potentially with a life vest or wetsuit if desired. You should be comfortable with long, hot, hikes, comfortable with heights, and comfortable swimming. (if you do not know how to swim, learn how and come next year!). Bring: shoes you can get wet, 2 quarts water, sunscreen, snacks, sun hat.
Please email Jean if you would like to sign up, or call 505-412-5424 for more information.
Start of hike, Red Dot Trailhead:
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map to Red Dot Trailhead | 1.06 MB |
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