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Muleshoe Ranch hiking March 12-17, 2013

Tue, 2013-03-12
Bill Priedhorsky

Melissa and I recently had an excellent trip to the Muleshoe Ranch near Willcox, Arizona.
It is a lovely place of wild desert and oases, with many opportunities for hiking, as well as
hot springs on the facility. Our trip report and some photos can be found here.

I'd like to organize a return trip, one large enough that we can rent the whole set of casitas,
which gives us a large kitchen and the place more or less to ourselves, and would allow
us to take kids or grandkids under 17. An good time to go would be in mid-March
weekend, with flowers blooming and temperatures in the high 60's. We could make
our dinners in the lovely common room, watching evening settle in across the Hot Springs
Wash. We had hoped to book for Thanksgiving, but the date was unavailable, and we
should move reasonable quickly because much of March 2013 is already taken also.

I would propose the following schedule:

Tuesday, March 12, 2013: Drive partway, perhaps Socorro
Wednesday, March 13: Complete the drive (500 miles, 8 hours behind the wheel) and check in
Thursday-Saturday: Explore (4 nights at Muleshoe)
Sunday, March 17: drive home

Details on the lodgings can be found here. There are 5 casitas, and we should block
at least the central 4. Costs per person per night range from $62 to $98, depending on how
full we fill the facility. The 4 units at minimal occupancy (8) would cost $680 per night, rising
to $890 if we put 4 people in the largest 3 units, for a total of 14 participants. The separate
Stone Cabin could hold 2-4 more.

In order to secure the whole facility, I would like make a single reservation (I'll be the
banker). Reservations require a 50% deposit, with the rest payable upon arrival. If this
is as great a trip as I think it will be, there will likely be folks on a waiting list, willing to buy
out your spot if something comes up in the next 18 months.

There are a couple of casitas left at this point.

Please let me (Bill) know if you are interested, by e-mail to, and indicate
your preference for lodgings - which unit and whether you would like to share.

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