Pedernal is a landmark visible throughout northern New Mexico, standing as a sentinel at the northern end of the Jemez Mountains. It was Georgia O'Keefe's mountain, painted by her time after time. It's summit is a classic destination; views from its 9,862-foot narrow top are spectacular. Reaching the summit takes a two-hour drive from Los Alamos, and a hike of up to 8 miles round trip, depending on how far we can drive towards the base. A vertical 15-foot rock face requires a short stretch of class 4 climbing. Bring water and lunch, and be prepared for any sort of weather. We will meet in Los Alamos at 7:30 AM to carpool. I'm hoping that several of us will want to stop at the Abiquiu Inn for dinner on the way back. To join the trip, write Bill at bill at priedhorsky dot net.
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