Carson National Forest is still open to hiking, but under Stage II fire restrictions, so no campfires (stoves are ok). I have not been to that area, so this is somewhat exploratory, and I'm open to deviate from the suggested plan. My plan is to meet at Sullivan Field at 7:30 AM on Saturday, June 9, drive to Cabresto Trailhead (about 2.5 hours or a little less) and start hiking Lake Fork Trail. At the junction with Bull Creek (about 2 miles), we remain on #82 and head to Heart Lake (11,500 ft) where we set up camp (about 2.5 miles, total elevation gain from TH is 2,300 ft). We'll do an afternoon hike up Baldy Peak to our East. On Sunday, we will start reasonably early and climb up to the ridge, cross over to Latir Peak, and then head to Venado Peak. My preference from here would be to follow Bull Creek Trail to Lake Fork, which would require us to backtrack close to 2 miles or so to pick up our camping gear from Heart Lake. If we are running late, we can return the way we came, which is a little shorter. The entire loop is about 14 miles.
Alternative: It looks like that if people want to reduce mileage, we can camp closer to Bull Creek Junction, which would avoid (some) backtracking, but may not be as scenic of a campsite. I hear there is good camping about a mile from the junction.
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