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Cross Country Skiing at Cumbres Pass

Sun, 2012-12-23
Jean Dewart

Hello all!  There is 18" of snow at Cumbres Pass and another foot on the way Tues/Wed.  Let's go X-C skiing!  The trip will be to Spruce Hole/Pinorealosa Peak area - and out/back ski tour from La Manga Pass (5 miles past Cumbres Pass on Highway 17).  The tour will be approximately 8 miles - we'll start on the Spruce Hole Road, and then climb up onto Pinorealosa Peak for some great views.  Sunday will be in between snow storms.  Bring layered clothing, lunch, water.   And, if you have them, bring climbing skins - we probably won't need them, but they are always useful to have.  Leave Los Alamos at 7 am, return about 5-6 pm.  Let me know if you'd like to come, at - and we'll arrange car pooling. 


Wonderful views towards the Sangre de Cristos.  We had some great touring and tele-ing.  IMG_6315.jpg (640×480)

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