LAM Club business starts at 7:30. Presentation at 8:00.
"Winter Alpine Climbing: The Idiot's Guide to Self-Abuse"
Doug Shepherd, in his own words:
Presentation Abstract: Due to (un)fortunate circumstances, many of my mentors for alpine climbing are proponents of "disaster style" alpinism, which has led to many magnificent failures on alpine routes ranging from South America to Alaska. Given that every fool is bound to strike gold every now and again, my friend John Frieh and I recently completed a new route, "No Such Thing As A Bargain Promise" on the Northeast face of Mt. Dickey in the Ruth Gorge in the Central Alaskan Range. I will discuss the climb itself and our approach to the climb, including training and gear selection. Beyond that, I will provide an overview of the climbing in the Ruth Gorge and also share a few of my favorite moments from other winter climbing adventures, including multiple new alpine routes in the Beartooth Mountain Range.
Doug Shepherd Bio: I've spent the last 10 years pursuing ice and mixed climbing from the crags to the Greater Ranges. Thankfully along the way I've met other climbers who are as similarly obsessed with this less than intelligent pastime. Lately I've been enjoying the fantastic trail running and warm, sunny, rock climbing that Los Alamos has to offer, while trying to stay excited for missions to the Great Ranges.
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