Please join us Tuesday, May 23 at the Los Alamos Nature Center for a presentation by
three local adventurers who seek to spark your passion for the outdoors.
June's monthly meeting theme is "staycation" - things to do in our area during
the summer months. This meeting includes a trio of 15-minute talks on local outdoor
opportunities: Badlands of the San Juan Basin, Great Sand Dunes National Park, and
camping in the Jemez Mountains.
Three members of the Los Alamos Mountaineers will give talks about something
interesting they have done in the past year or so. Each activity is within a
five-hour drive from Los Alamos. One could leave work and arrive before midnight,
spend a weekend, and return in time to sleep and report to work the next day. These weekend
trips would provide a weekend of adventure without too much driving, taking days off from
work or waiting for a long weekend.
Social at 6:45, reports of recent and upcoming trips at 7:00pm. Program at 7:30pm.
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