Summer visitors are welcome! Some old hands could be really helpful, too.
In brief, this is a hike along the trail paralleling the east fork of the Jemez river, then diverging from the trail and splashing down the river that is in some respects a shallow box canyon where one has no choice but to wade down the river. At a pre-determined point we will stop and likely split into two groups, one departing the river and returning by the trail paralleling at some distance, the other splashing back up the river--your choice. This year Zack will be leading from the front (no one can outrun Zack) and Kei will be leading from the rear, that is to say, proceeding at an enjoyable pace and taking in the views.
Be prepared for 3-4 hours at a moderate pace. Be prepared to get wet. I learned the hard way the first time I did this that middle of the summer or not, cotton clothing isn't the best choice, and I drowned my camera. Rubber/plastic outdoor sandals are great, sport shoes will work. Footwear that doesn't affix positively to one's feet, like flip flops or Crocs, are a thoroughly bad idea. The Los Alamos thrift shops typically have Teva/Keen/Chaco-type sandals and sports-type shoes for cheap.
Hat and sunscreen strongly recommended, water essential, snacks as desired. Many find walking poles helpful to probe for bottomless potholes. While we won't be intentionally swimming you need to be able to handle yourself in water, i.e., not drown if you get in a swirling pothole over your head.
We'll get an early start to avoid the possibility of getting caught in an afternoon storm. Let's plan to depart Sullivan field parking lot, carpooling as preferred, at 8:00a.m. sharp Sunday June 18, so plan to get there by 7:45a.m. to get organized and signed in. From there it's 30 minutes' drive (nearly exactly) to the Las Conchas trailhead. Note that if the Las Conchas trailhead parking area is full, at that time of the day there should still be plenty of space just short of there at the Cattle Call Wall climbing area.
No need to sign up in advance, just show up on time and you're in.
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