Please join us Tuesday, May 23 at the Los Alamos Nature Center for a presentation by local James Hunter, as he shares his experience exploring Lechugilla Cave.
Lechuguilla cave located in a wilderness are within Carlsbad Caverns National park in southern New Mexico is more than 100 miles long and is considered by many to be the most beautiful cave in the world. Closed to the public for long term conservation reasons it is only entered by researchers and cavers working on either new exploration or scientific projects, typically on 8 day expeditions underground. James Hunter has been going to Lechuguilla on exploration expeditions since 2007 spending more than a combined 3 months in the cave. James will give an introduction to how cavers operate in Lechuguilla and will then focus on the 3 major discoveries he has been a part of with extensive photos of these new areas. All three of these discoveries involved significant climbing in the cave to reach otherwise inaccessible areas ando James will also spend some time discussing the equipment and techniques used on these climbs.
Social at 6:45, reports of recent and upcoming trips at 7:00pm. Program at 7:30pm.
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