Let's hike the Ancho Canyon (aka Ancho Springs) Trail to Blue Dot Trail. This is a 10 mile hike, starting on State Route 4, 4 miles south of White Rock. The hike follows a dirt road on the mesa for ~1.5 miles, then drops 2 miles into White Rock Canyon to Ancho Rapid. The route follows the river trail for 4-5 miles north, passing the Red Dot Trail onto the Blue Dot Trail. Then the final 1 mile is uphill out of the canyon to the Overlook Park in White Rock.
This is a joint LAM/PEEC hike, so we will meet at the PEEC parking lot at 7:45 to carpool. Folks from WR or SF can meet us at 8:15 at the Overlook Park.
If you'd like to come, please send me an email at jdewart@q.com
(if there is a big snowstorm, we will consider postponing)
Hope you can come.
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