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Red Lake Exploratory X-C Ski Trip

Sun, 2016-12-11
Jean Dewart and Kelly Gallagher
Leader Email: 
Are dogs allowed?: 

Let's ski up the Red Lake Road, from Highway 17 between Cumbres and La Manga Passes - and scout out the Red Lake trail, from the end of the Red Lake Road.  The road is about 3-3.5 miles, starting at 10,000 ft and has an 800 ft elevation gain, and will most likely be packed from snowmobiles.  Then we will explore the Red Lake trail - requiring route finding (the trail is blazed) and unlikely to be packed.  It is about 1 mile to the South San Juan Wilderness boundary at about 11,400 ft.  This will put us at timberline, and we will make a decision based on time, on the possibility of skiing to Red Lake, which is another 2 miles, at 11,600 ft.  On the return, we should be able to fly down the road, back to the cars.  

Let's meet at Sullivan Field at 7 am to carpool.  We can meet folks at the White Rock Y and Northern NM College in Espanola.

Bring backcountry skis, lunch, water, clothing in layers, GPS if available, radios if available.  

If you'd like to come, email me at  Hope you can come - the weather looks good.  


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