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Annual Los Alamos Mountaineers Potpourri and Holiday Party!

Wed, 2016-12-21

This year, the Mountaineers Potpourri takes place on Wednesday, December 21, starting at 6:30 PM at Fuller's Lodge.

Potpourri is a heavenly stew, consisting of one part potluck and six parts ten-minute talks, simmered slowly in a delicious sauce of conversation and camaraderie. This is by far the most popular Mountaineers meeting of the year. Make your own early New Year's resolution to attend!

Check in at the Membership Table to renew for 2017. Please bring a check or cash - $15 for singles and $20 for couples.

Because this is a potluck, please bring a dish to share. The Club provides the foundation - barbecue from Bob's Bodacious and a large chocolate cake. You provide the salads, vegetables, breads, additional desserts and main-course alternatives.

Please bring a place setting to reduce waste - cup, plates, utensils. Raid your backpacking supplies. Clean out the remains from the last camping trip, and bring your kit to Fuller's Lodge. There will be soapy water for clean up.

Bring your appetite, stories to share with your table mates and your enthusiasm for the six 10-minute talks, following directly after the potluck.

Here is the list of presentations:
Michael Altherr - "A Week In and Around the Cordillera Blanca"
Svetlana Martin - “Touring Mont Blanc”
Bill Priedhorsky - "Gallina Canyon - a taste of New Mexico's slot canyons"
Martin Staley - "Himalayas and Canaries"
Andy and Sarah Thien - "Skiing Mt. Shasta"
John and Sarah Gustafson - "Climbing in Montserrat"

Photo: Yannapaccha, in the Cordillera Blanca, taken by Michael Altherr

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