Let's hike up the La Luz trail, in the Sandias, and take the tram down. .
The hike is 8.5 miles with a 4200 ft elevation gain and will take about 6 hours or so. The cost for the one way down trip on the tram is $15.
Note - this is the start of standard time - so, it should be easy to get up early. Let's meet at the Sullivan Field Parking lot at 6:45 am - so that we leave Los Alamos at 7 am. We will carpool. This will put us down to the bottom of the tramway at about 8:30.
If you'd like to come, please send me an email at jdewart@q.com
Bring lunch, sweater, wind breaker or rain gear, 2-3 quarts of water. Consider bringing some lightweight gloves and a wool hat, for possible wind at the top.
Hope you can come.
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