Please join us Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at the Los Alamos Nature Center for a presentation by Eiichi Fukushima
This is a tale of the first ascent of the last high point of any continent to be climbed. The genesis of the trip is both mundane and exciting, with an intrigue, some suspense, and many questions that would not be answered until we were actually on the climbs. As with any other trips of that era, the lack of reliance on wireless communication made for an experience that cannot be duplicated these days, i.e., of total immersion in the expedition for six weeks with no outside distractions.
Social at 6:45, reports of recent and upcoming trips at 7:00pm. Program at 7:30pm.
Photo: Evening descent from Mt. Gardner with the view of northern Sentinel Range. Mt. Ostenso is in the foreground and Long Gables (also climbed by Fukushima's team) and Mt. Anderson in the back.
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