On the heels of a wonderful visit this September, I have arranged a return to Gallina Canyon Ranch next Memorial Day weekend. I know of no place that is this remote and yet so close - just 2 - 2 1/2 hours - from Los Alamos.
The Ranch lies on private land in Gallina Canyon, which is just across the Chama River from the monastary. From it we have access to an unusual area of slot canyons, unique in New Mexico. Outing possibilities include easy hikes up and down the canyon bottom, more scrambly hikes into the slot side canyons, and, if a technical leader emerges, technical canyoneering outings. At any rate, we will be camping in a wild part of northern New Mexico that is other inaccesible - a private piece of the Colorado Plateau. Although it may be starting to warm by late May, Gallina Ranch offers a Shark Tank of cool water to soak in, a spring-fed swimming hole, and a beach on the Chama River.
We will spend 4 nights at the ranch, arriving before dark on Thursday, May 25, 2017, and leaving the morning of Memorial Day, Monday, May 29. We have reserved the Anasazi Cabin and West Camp as we did in September 2016. There are some nice beds available in campers and in a tent, and there will also be camping options. There is a propane-powered stove top, a small propane refrigerator, and table and comfortable seating, and a propane-powered fire for a fire circle. We will take turns cooking dinner, and be on our own for breakfast and lunches. We can discuss the possibility of one or two doggie participants.
To reserve a spot, please contact Bill at bill@priedhorsky.net, and submit a $100 deposit per person.
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