This is an all-day trip that begins/ends at Taos Ski Valley (TSV) and covers ~9 miles and ~5,100 feet of elevation. We can drive to and park near the Phoenix Grill at TSV. The plan is to hike up the Chair 4 route and the higher Kachina Chair route to Kachina Peak (12,481 ft), then hike CCW over Lake Fork Peak (12,881'), then along the cirque ridgeline over unnamed peaks 12,807' and 12,728' to Wheeler Peak (13,761'), and finally down to Williams Lake and back to the cars. This traverse is mostly Class 2 with several Class 3 portions with exposure that should not be taken lightly. Sites that describe this route can be found at; and
We will carpool from Sullivan Field parking lot, leaving at 6:30 AM for the 2 hr 15 min drive to TSV and start hiking at 9:00 AM. Alternatively, participants could meet us at TSV for the 9:00 AM departure, if you let us know (and sign up) beforehand. Survivors can then look forward to pizza and beer at Taos Pizza Out Back if time permits.
This will be a long day, so be prepared with water, lunch, snacks, head lamps, rain gear, etc. If the forecast looks wet, we will reschedule to another day. Previous experience with this length, elevation, and exposure is strongly recommended, as we will need to move expeditiously. If we haven't hiked with you previously, we may limit participation for safety of the group.
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