Let's hike to the St. Peter's Dome fire lookout, on the southern end of Bandelier National Monument - there should be some very good views of Bandelier.
The hike will start at the intersection of FS Road 289 (Dome Road) and FS Road 142. We will follow Road 142 for 4.5 miles to the lookout. It is a 4wd road that Mother Nature is reclaiming. Little elevation change.
Because this hike is on FS property (not Bandelier and not the Dome Wilderness), it is be possible to mountain bike this trip and it is possible to bring a dog (using leash or other positive control).
The drive is about 45 minutes from Los Alamos, with 6 miles on FS Road 289. This FS road is graveled and graded, but it is pretty washboardy in places, and so a vehicle such as a Subaru/Rav4/CR7/etc will make the drive more pleasant. Bring a hand saw - there are some downed trees with branches sticking out into the road. If it is a very, very windy day - we will postpone, due to the threat of falling trees (on the drive).
Bring lunch, water, hiking clothing.
We will meet at Sullivan Field at 7:30 am to carpool
If you'd like to come, please send Jean an email at jdewart@q.com
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