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Hike to SummerFest

Sat, 2012-06-02
Zack Baker


**** This trip is currently ON HOLD due to Forest Service trail closure on the Guaje Ridge ****


We will meet at the Sullivan Field at 9:00am and proceed to the Quemazon Trailhead  close to the intersection of Trinity and 48th Streets at 9:15 AM.   The route will follow the Quemazon Trail to Pipeline Road to the Pajarito Ski Area where SummerFest will be commencing. For more information about SummerFest, click here.

County buses will be shuttling people up and down the mountain from LAHS Auditorium, simplifying car issues. I expect some folks will stay longer for brats, beer, and SummerFest good cheer, so I will expect people to find their own way to the trailhead and high school.

Expect the hike to take about 3 1/2 hours.   Climb is about 2875 Ft. Bring sturdy shoes, warm waterproof clothing, water and some snack food.

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