Though I've been knocking around northern New Mexico for a long time, I've discovered a new place to explore, and I am excited to give it a go. I would like to reserve a cabin and surrounding camping area at the Gallina Canyon Ranch. I know of no place that is this remote and just 2 - 2 1/2 hours from Los Alamos.
The Ranch lies on private land in Gallina Canyon, which is just across the Chama River from the monastary. From it we will have access to an unusual area of slot canyons, unique in New Mexico. Anything that I lead will largely non-technical, but may involve some light scrambling. If we can assemble a technical contingent for the trip, we may get bolder, but there are plenty of non-technical options available also. At any rate, we will be camping in a wild part of northern New Mexico that is other inaccesible - a private piece of the Colorado Plateau. It is hard to think about a desert trip in this scorching weather, but things will be much cooler by mid-September.
We will spend 3 nights at the ranch, and need to arrive before dinner time on Thursday, September 15, per the conditions set by the ranch hosts. There are some beds available, and there will also be camping options. While I've never been there, the photos and description sound incredible, and there are some nice perks like a spring-fed swimming hole.
The cost per person is a function of how full we fill the trip. If there are 6 of us, it will cost $125 per head, which will be divided in some reasonable way between the folks in the cabin and the campers. To hold a spot, please send me a deposit of $100 as soon as possible. Sincerely, Bill
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