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Canyoneering in the North Wash / Four Corners Area of Utah

Wed, 2016-06-15

Please join us Wednesday, June 15th, 2016 at the Fuller Lodge (Los Alamos) for a presentation by Jared Hillhouse - Pro Guide and ACA Instructor. Jared will speak with us regarding canyoneering adventures in the North Wash / Four Corners area of Utah.

Jared has been guiding canyoneering for over a decade and has been instructing for over half that. As a certified Canyoneering Guide and Instructor, Jared delights in introducing newcomers to the sport and the wonders and beauty that this canyon country has to offer. Jared loves the looks that clients have when they accomplish a task for the first time or see a beautifully sculpted canyons that very few others will ever see. Jared is the ropes team Commander for the San Juan County Utah Sheriff's Search and Rescue team as well as working full time for the city of Blanding as a police officer. His side interests include boating, hiking, camping, fishing, video editing and production and spending time with his family.

Social and reports of recent and upcoming trips at 7:00pm. Program at 7:30pm.

Photo: Winter settled in on the Black Hole Canyon.

Trip Location: 
United States
37° 52' 2.4168" N, 110° 24' 25.56" W

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