Note: Due to rennovations at the Fuller Lodge - For the monthly programs from February through May (2016), all programs will be held at the Pajarito Environmental Education Center (PEEC).
Please join us Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at the Pajarito Environmental Education Center - PEEC (Los Alamos) for an exciting presentation by life-long skier Rob Suminsby of Albuquerque. Social and reports of recent and upcoming trips at 7:00pm. Program at 7:30pm.
Rob Suminsby is a retired USAF officer who was privileged to spend his last few years of active duty in Germany. He skied many of the famous resorts of France, Italy, Switzerland and Austria, and eventually took up ski touring in order to explore the world beyond the ropes.
The Haute Route, the classic ski tour, connects the famous mountain towns of Chamonix, France and Zermatt, Switzerland. Beginning in the shadow of Mont Blanc and ending under the towering Matterhorn, this journey of 100km through the heart of the Alps is on many a skier’s bucket list. Join us for a slideshow and presentation about this five-day journey through some of the most spectacular mountain scenery in Europe.
Image: Skinning up the Col des Roux (2804m) as the sun rises
Image: Cappuccino break at the Dix Hut
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