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Ski tour from Pajarito to Caldera

Sun, 2016-01-24
Zack Baker
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

This ski tour is a repeat of the popular trip from Pajarito Mountain to the Valle Grande visitor center that the Mountaineers have done for the past few years. This is a Los Alamos Mountaineers trip, but is also open to members of the Southwest Nordic SkiClub, the New Mexico Cross Country Ski Club, and other guests who are known to the trip participants from these clubs.
Advanced signup for this trip is required, with a deadline of Thursday, January 21. This way we will know who to expect at the trailhead and what transportation arrangements you've made. Please e-mail Zack at to sign up so that we can communicate back and forth about weather conditions, snow conditions, car-pooling options, skiing experience, etc.
The ski tour will start from the west end of the ski area parking lot, and skiers can depart anytime between 8 AM and 9 AM. Before you leave, you must sign in! We are asking trip participants to take responsibility for assuring their own abilities to complete the trip.
The ski tour is roughly 11 miles, with an estimated 6 hours of skiing time. It requires at least an intermediate level of cross-countryski touring experience, and includes a difficult descent on a narrow jeep road. So the trip is not for beginners. Skiers should be able to maintain an average speed of 2 miles per hour in order to arrive at the visitor center with some margin of safety before closing time. 

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