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Brazos Overlook Backcountry Ski

Sun, 2016-01-17
Brett Kettering
Are dogs allowed?: 
Not allowed

Last year Michael Altherr led a trip to the Brazos Overlook. I wasn't able to go, but wanted to do this trip.
We'll be going on Sunday, 1/17/16.
This is a 7.5 - 8 mile round trip on skis. We'll find some hills to skin and ski along the way. The trailhead is on Hwy 64, east of Tierra Amarilla. I have Michael's GPS track from last year and some waypoints that I put along the path. I can send those to you in a variety of formats so that you can see the area.
Bring your usual backcountry or X-C ski gear and clothing. I'm not exactly sure of the terrain, though the few pictures I've seen and the topo information look like there isn't anything that steep, so please bring an avalanche beacon, shovel and probe in case we feel like we should carry those. Please bring food and water for the day and be prepared for wilderness toileting.
Let's meet at Sullivan Field parking lot for a 7am departure. For those coming from Santa Fe we will meet at Northern NM College parking lot for a 7:45am departure.
Please email me to let me know if you'd like to go so I know who to look for and where.

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