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Cumbres Pass X-C

Sat, 2016-01-02
Jean Dewart
Are dogs allowed?: 

Hi all -

There is 5' plus at Cumbres Pass - let's go X-C!

I'd like to do the Spruce Hole trip again - with an addition. The basic route is an 8 mile out/back ski tour - with fabulous views of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains from SF Baldy to the Crestones from the top of Pinerealosa Peak. There is opportunity for long kick/glide skiing on top of Pinerealosa Peak, and/or a couple of hills for tele turns. It can be helpful to have climbing skins, to ski up Pinerealosa, but not required. 

If there are sufficiently skilled (telemark skill) participants, I'd like to return to the cars, via a ski off the west side of Pinerealosa. This requires telemark turns, and some avalanche gear (shovels and transeivers). The remainder of the party, can return the way we came - following our tracks back past Spruce Hole yurt and the forest service road back to the cars. We will only divide into 2 groups, if we have a sufficient number of participants to travel each way back to the cars.

We will leave Los Alamos at 7 am and return about 6 pm. Bring lunch, water, an extra pair of gloves, an extra sweater, a sit pad, skins if you have them, radios if you have them. 

Let me know if you'd like to come -

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