Canyoneering in Moab, rafting the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon, climbing the Snake Dike in Yosemite, skiing the Canterbury Club Ski Fields in New Zealand, climbing the Via Ferratas in Europe, and climbing the Great Potato in New Mexico! This “potpourri” of exciting, diverse adventures by our own Los Alamos Mountaineers will be featured in this month’s club meeting.
The annual Mountaineers Potpourri takes place on Wednesday, December 16, starting at 6:30 PM at Fuller's Lodge.
Potpourri is a medley, consisting of 1 part potluck and 6 parts 10-minute talks, simmered slowly in a delicious sauce of conversation and camaraderie. This is by far the most popular Mountaineers meeting of the year. Make an early New Year's resolution to attend!
This fun event is potluck-style, so please bring a dish to share. The Club will provide the main dish - barbecue from Bob's Bodacious and cake from Chocolate Maven. You provide the salads, vegetables, breads, additional desserts and main-course alternatives. Please bring your own place setting to reduce waste (there will be soapy water for clean up). Bring your appetite, stories to share with your tablemates and your enthusiasm!
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