We have a special November meeting - so we need to do a slight tweak on the regular schedule....
The Los Alamos Mountaineers meeting, Wednesday November 18, will begin promptly at 7 pm, a little earlier than usual. We need to handle our election(!) and our regular announcements/business meeting before a special program by a world class outdoorsman. Please arrive by 7 pm on Wednesday November 18th, at Fuller Lodge.
Our speaker for November is Dean Cummings - our home-grown Los Alamos skier - who now guides heli-ski trips in Alaska. His talk will start at 7:30. This special event is hosted jointly by the Mountaineers and the Los Alamos Ski Club.
Dean is a world champion extreme skier, is an olympic level athlete, owner and operator of the longest standing heli ski business in Valdez, Alaska, world renown for his backcountry avalanche protocols, has a number of first descents in Alaska and has been a featured skier in several Warren Miller Films.
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