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Life is short - paddle hard!

Wed, 2015-07-15

Please join us Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at the Fuller Lodge (Los Alamos) for an exciting presentation by Rachel Robey, a Los Alamos native and kayaking fiend! Social and reports of recent and upcoming trips at 7:00pm. Program at 7:30pm.

Rachel began kayaking as a wee little thing, making her first forays into the river with her family as a young child. Through a series of events, she became avid about the sport of whitewater kayaking and the many opportunities it offers.

In recent years, she has traveled around the western US to pursue the various disciplines of creeking, multiday river running, and playboating. From the local Rio Grande to Colorado rivers and deep canyons of the Rocky Mountains up to the big waters of Idaho, she has found in paddling a way to challenge herself, become immersed in the power of the outdoors, and a strong sense of community with fellow whitewater enthusiasts wherever the river carries her.

Image: Rachel Robey tearin' it up on the Tunnel Rapid in the Gore Canyon race!


Trip Location: 
United States
39° 59' 26.0664" N, 106° 30' 27.36" W

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